The Ultimate Fast Facts Guide to Nuclear Energy
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 16p.
This is a GREAT 16-page primer on the facts about Nuclear Energy. Here's everything you need to know about nuclear energy in one, easy-to-read eBook |
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VIII) - Proceedings of an International Symposium Held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 18-21 October 2016
IAEA Proceedings Series, 2018, 422 p.
These proceedings present the outcome of the eighth symposium on naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM), which provided an important opportunity to review recent technical and regulatory developments concerning exposure to NORM, with the overall objectives of addressing radiation protection issues, discussing the results of new research, exploring practical case studies of industrial applications and identifying new societal needs and technical requirements for regulatory bodies and industries involving NORM.
The Symposium provided a platform for experts from industries, academic and research institutions and regulatory bodies from all over the world to share experiences, to identify opportunities, to analyse current challenges, and to review progress made in identifying, quantifying and managing the radiological risks associated with industrial processes involving NORM. Ongoing activities to implement new international standards during the period since the last NORM symposium in 2013 provided an important backdrop to the presentations and discussion. The proceedings contain 31 papers that were accepted for oral presentation, text versions of 35 poster presentations and a summary that concludes with the main findings of the symposium.
Development of Instructors for Nuclear Power Plant Personnel Training
IAEA TECDOC, 2018, 142 p.
The present revised publication reflects new training experiences, technological developments, current practices and techniques concerning the development of instructors for nuclear power plant personnel training. It provides practical guidance on various aspects of instructor selection, development and deployment, by quoting actual examples from Member States.
The publication highlights the importance of having an appropriate training policy, especially considering the various organizational arrangements that exist in different nuclear power plants and countries.
World Nuclear Association Pocket Guide 2018/19
WNA, 2018, 44 p.
The Pocket Guide brings together useful facts on four key topics: Nuclear Power, Energy and the Environment,Radiation, Nuclear Power Reactor Characteristics and Uranium, Mine to Mill
Methodology for the Systematic Assessment of the Regulatory Competence Needs (SARCoN) for Regulatory Bodies of Radiation Facilities and Activities
The IAEA has introduced a methodology and an assessment tool – Systematic Assessment of Regulatory Competence Needs (SARCoN) – which provides practical guidance on analysing the training and development needs of a regulatory body and, through a gap analysis, guidance on establishing competence needs and how to meet them. The current publication provides information on the use of the SARCoN methodology to support the implementation of the IAEA safety standards for ensuring regulatory competence in respect of radiation facilities and activities. |
It is to be used in conjunction with IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 79. It can also be used in conjunction with IAEA TECDOC-1757 by regulatory bodies regulating both radiation and nuclear facilities.
Predisposal Management of Radioactive Waste from the Use of Radioactive Material in Medicine, Industry, Agriculture, Research and Education
IAEA Safety Standards Series SSG-45
This Safety Guide is applicable to the predisposal management of radioactive waste derived from the use of radioactive materials in medicine, industry, agriculture, research and education, including disused sealed radioactive sources. It focuses on waste generated at facilities such as hospitals and research centres, where radioactive waste is not usually generated in bulk quantities.
It covers the managerial, administrative and technical issues associated with the safe management of radioactive waste, from its generation to its acceptance at a disposal facility or its release from regulatory control.
Establishing a System for Control of Nuclear Material for Nuclear Security Purposes at a Facility during Use, Storage and Movement
IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 32-T
Control of nuclear material comprises the administrative and technical measures applied to ensure that nuclear material is not misused or removed from its assigned location without approval and/or without proper accounting. This publication, which builds upon the Implementing Guide IAEA Nuclear Security Series No. 25-G, focuses on the control of nuclear material during storage, use and movement using a facility’s nuclear material accounting and control (NMAC) system. |
It describes practical measures for controlling nuclear material for nuclear security purposes during all activities at a facility, including movements, and how to use a graded approach in applying such measures. The technical guidance provided is targeted at States and their competent authorities on how to use individual elements of the NMAC system, but will be also useful for persons responsible for designing, operating and assessing nuclear security systems, physical protection of nuclear facilities, nuclear security management, operators and managers of NMAC systems; as well as for those preparing associated regulations; and persons responsible for computer security at nuclear facilities.
Regulatory Control of Radioactive Discharges to the Environment
IAEA Safety Standards Series, 2018, 71 p.
This Safety Guide is intended to assist governments, regulatory bodies, applicants for a licence and operating organizations with a structured approach to controlling radiation exposures of the public resulting from discharges from normal operations of facilities and activities, and with the optimization of protection and safety. More specifically, this publication addresses the process for authorization of discharges from new and modified facilities or activities, and the review of established authorizations.
The guidance applies to different types of facilities, which range from nuclear installations to applications of radioisotopes in industry, medicine and research. It also covers the controllable releases to the environment in normal operation that may result from the mining and processing of ores for the extraction of uranium or thorium as part of the nuclear fuel cycle and discharges of naturally occurring radioactive material in non-nuclear industries.
Radiation Treatment of Wastewater for Reuse with Particular Focus on Wastewaters Containing Organic Pollutants
IAEA TECDOC, 2018, 218 p. No. 1855
The treatment of wastewater presents the dual challenge of protecting public health and the environment. The presence of increasing amounts of chemical contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, pesticides and dyes resulting from agricultural, industrial or municipal activities has potential negative impacts on ecosystems. Radiation technologies have been studied for many years for treating different organic pollutants, and their reliability and effectiveness have been demonstrated.
This publication provides new insights into the radiation treatment methodologies, particularly the evaluation of toxicity of waste water after radiation treatment, techno-economic aspects of such treatment and its integration with the existing conventional technologies.
Protección del público contra la exposición en espacios interiores debida al radón y a otras fuentes naturales de radiación
Colección de normas de seguridad del OIEA, 2018, 98 p.
This Safety Guide provides recommendations on meeting the requirements established in the IAEA International Basic Safety Standards, for protection of the public against exposure indoors due to natural sources of radiation. Guidance is provided on the application of the requirements for justification and optimization of protection by national authorities in considering control of natural sources of radiation indoors such as radon and radionuclides of natural origin in materials used for the construction of dwellings, offices, industrial premises and other buildings.
The Safety Guide provides recommendations and guidance to be followed by the regulatory body and by other authorities and organizations with responsibilities in relation to exposure to radiation from natural sources.