Role of Nuclear Power in Europe
Energy Council, January 2007, 133 p.
is and will remain one of the major global concerns of
the 21st century and Europe is no exception. With global
energy demand expected to grow strongly in the coming
years, important questions are now being raised over the
future of energy supplies, the economic competitiveness
of different energy sources and the associated
environmental impacts.
World Energy Council working group consisting of 29
experts from Europe’s electricity industry, lead by
Mr. Alessandro Clerici, Senior Consultant to the
chairman of ABB, have been investigating the role that
nuclear power production currently plays within the
European energy scene. Far more interesting, however, is
the analysis provided of the role it needs to play in
Europe’s future.
Executive Summary:
texto completo:
Animal Productivity by Supplementary Feeding of
Multinutrient Blocks, Controlling Internal Parasites and
Enhancing Utilization of Alternate Feed Resources
IAEA,2006, 287 p.
major constraint to livestock production in developing
countries is the scarcity and fluctuating quantity and
quality of the year-round feed supply. Livestock are fed
mainly on low quality agro-industrial by-products. The
addition of foliage from tree leaves or supplementation
with seed meals or even
in the form of urea molasses multination
blocks can
improve the utilization of low quality roughages mainly
through the supply of nitrogen to rumen microbes. This
publication presents results from the nutritional
component of a project devoted to improving animal
productivity and reproductive efficiency. This
publication is an excellent reference source for
researchers, students and extension workers and will
help improve the utilization of feed resources and
enhance animal productivity to meet the challenges
imposed by the ‘livestock revolution’ taking place
in developing countries.
relative aux accidents graves dans les réacteurs à eau
pressurisée: Bilan et perspectives
IRSN, CEA, 2006, 226 p.
accident grave est un accident au cours duquel le
combustible d’un réacteur électronucléaire est
significativement dégradé par une fusion plus ou moins
complète des assemblages combustibles. La
recherche sur les accidents graves touche à un vaste
ensemble de sujets scientifiques et techniques. Afin
d’en présenter une approche globale, l’IRSN a établi,
collaboration avec le
CEA et avec le soutien d’EDF, un
rapport visant à exposer, pour chaque sujet, un état
des connaissances et des travaux de recherche réalisés
en France ou à l’étranger. Ce rapport a été présenté,
le 12 octobre 2006, au Groupe Permanent d’experts pour
les Réacteurs nucléaires placé auprès du Directeur Général
de la Sûreté Nucléaire et de la Radioprotection ; il
sera traduit en langue anglaise.
extraído de:
http://net-science.irsn.org/net-science/liblocal/docs/docs_DSR/rapport_RetD_AG.PDF |

of Radioactive Waste Disposal Proceedings of an
International Conference held in Tokyo, Japan, 3-7
October 2005
IAEA, 2006, 551 p.
conference is the latest in the series organized by the
IAEA on the subject of radioactive waste safety.
Demonstrating the safety of radioactive waste disposal
remains a challenging issue, from both technical and
socio political perspectives, and is receiving
increasing scrutiny throughout the world. The conference
discussed the
global nuclear safety regime and its implications for
radioactive waste management — in particular the
impact of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent
Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste
Management, the international safety standards and
national waste management policies. High on the agenda
was the concept of the safety case and its use, together
with supporting safety assessments. The whole range of
disposal concepts were discussed as was the regulatory
review and approval process and stakeholder involvement.
The conference proceedings reports the various sessions
and includes the presentations together with concluding
summaries from the session chairs and the conference
Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy – Opportunities
for Australia?
Commonwealth of Australia, 2006, 272 p.
On 6 June 2006, the Prime Minister announced the
appointment of a Taskforce to undertake an objective,
scientific and comprehensive review of uranium mining,
processing and nuclear energy. The Taskforce released a
draft report for public comment on 21 November 2006
after considering more than 230 submissions, information
and analysis from commissioned specialist studies, and
extensive consultations in Australia and overseas. The draft
report was reviewed by an expert panel chaired by the
Chief Scientist of Australia, Dr Jim Peacock. Many
interested members of the public also provided feedback
on the draft report over the period 21 November to
12 December 2006. The report has been modified
and extended in the light of the feedback received on
the draft report. The final report also includes nine
new technical appendices which provide detailed
information on various aspects of nuclear energy.

Recommendations of the International Commission on
Radiological Protection
ICRP, 12 January 2007, 104 p.
work of an ICRP Task Group is nearing completion. The
report of the Task Group addresses Radiological
Protection in Medicine. This summary constitutes a
building block underpinning the imminent next
fundamental Recommendations of ICRP, and can also be
seen as amending and updating ICRP Publication 73.
The draft is posted for consultation on our comments
page -
on that page, just to the right of the Document
drop-down menu, please click 'view document' to download
it! We would appreciate your comments no later than
Friday 6 April, 2007.
extraído de:
Reactor Dosimetry File 2002 (IRDF-2002)
2006, 162 p.
updated, tested and standardized reactor dosimetry
cross-section database with associated uncertainty data
and relevant decay data has been assembled to create a
new data library for use in assessments of the service
life of reactor pressure vessels. The resulting
IRDF-2002 data library is available on CD-ROM and
through the Internet, and the selection procedure and
contents are described in this
This set of recommended high-quality data is also
appropriate for use in other neutron metrology
applications, such as boron neutron capture therapy,
therapeutic use of radioisotopes, nuclear physics
measurements and reactor safety studies.
extraído de: