
The longevity of intermediate-level radioactive waste packages for geological disposal: A review
Environment Agency, August 2008, 35 p.
The review considers current knowledge regarding how radioactive waste packages might age during any period of extended retrievable storage in a geological repository, prior to closure of the facility. A number of recommendations are provided. |
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Optimization of Research Reactor Availability and Reliability: Recommended Practices
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, 2008, 60 p.
An effective availability and reliability programme (ARP) is necessary to ensure the financial viability of research reactor facilities. This publication draws upon data from heavily utilized research reactors of diverse sizes and usage, and provides information on specific operations and maintenance practices and programmes directed towards optimization of reactor performance. The optimization of reactor performance not only
increases customer confidence, thereby ensuring funding, but also improves the reactor’s operating life and economic competitiveness.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/Pub1338_web.pdf
Annual Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Report 2007/08
NDA - Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (UK), July 2008, 60 p.
This is the third Annual Health, Safety, Security, and Environment Report that the NDA has produced. It describes the health safety, security and environmental performance of the NDA itself, our subsidiary companies and the site licence companies that operate the nuclear sites that the NDA owns.
Extraído de: http://www.nda.gov.uk/news/hsse-report-0708.cfm
This document presents the first ever set of independently generated data on dietary intakes and organ contents of elements that are important in radiological protection, namely, caesium, iodine, strontium, thorium and uranium, in Asian populations. In addition to the collection of information on elements that are important in radiological protection and in publications on Reference Man including Asian populations, this project also generated data on elements of interest in nutrition
and human health. The results presented in this document will thus be of interest not only to professionals involved in aspects of radiological protection associated with unsealed sources but also to nutritionists and other health professionals monitoring intakes of trace elements.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7854
Industrial Process Gamma Tomography
IAEA Tecdoc, 2008, 153 p.
This publication states the results of a recent IAEA Coordinated Research Project on Industrial Process Gamma Tomography. Industrial process gamma tomography is a non-intrusive technique capable of measuring the phase distribution inside multiphase equipment without disturbing its normal operation. This makes it invaluable in the investigation of various processing units within multiphase systems, such as distillation columns, fluidized beds and catalytic reactors. This publication will serve as a resource for students and specialists in the fields
of chemical engineering and radioisotopes. The accompanying CD-ROM includes software for image reconstruction which, together with the written publication, can be used as foundational lecture material in the transfer of knowledge to developing countries.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7921
Programas de vigilancia radiológica ambiental: Resultados 2006
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (ES), 2007, 180 p.
Se presenta aquí el noveno informe anual sobre los resultados de los programas de vigilancia radiológica ambiental desarrollados durante el año 2006, acompañados de los datos históricos que constituyen un marco de referencia. Este documento es continuación de los emitidos por el Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear desde que en 1999 inició la publicación de esta serie de informes técnicos que pone a disposición de ciudadanos e instituciones información sobre los niveles de radiactividad ambiental del país con un cierto nivel de detalle.
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http://www.csn.es/publicaciones/Vigilancia2006_web.pdf |
Nuclear Power Reactors in the World - 2008 Edition
IAEA, 2008, 77 p.
This is the twenty-eighth edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, Nuclear Power Reactors in the World, which is published once per year, to present the most recent
reactor data available to the Agency. It contains the following summarized information:
– General information as of the end of 2007 on power reactors operating or under construction, and shut down;
– Performance data on reactors operating in the Agency’s Member States, as reported to the IAEA.
The Agency’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) is a comprehensive data source on nuclear power reactors in the World. It includes specification and performance history data of operating reactors as well as reactors under construction or reactors being decommissioned. PRIS data are collected by the Agency through the designated national correspondents of Member States.
PRIS outputs are available in the annual publications and on the PRIS web site
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/RDS2-28_web.pdf
Vision for the Future Gets Closer
IAEA, February 2008, 33 p.
A background report entitled 20/20 Vision for the Future, describing the current work of the IAEA and suggesting future priorities in the timeframe up to the year 2020 and beyond, has been circulated to members of a high-level panel of experts tasked with providing recommendations on the future of the IAEA.
As part of the IAEA Secretariat´s "20/20" study, the Commission of Eminent Persons, a high-level panel of international experts,
is reviewing areas such as the prioritization of the IAEA´s key areas of work, and options and approaches to funding. The Commission, which met twice in Vienna this year, is expected to deliver its recommendations to the IAEA Director General Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei over the coming weeks.
Extraído de: http://www.iaea.org/NewsCenter/News/PDF/20-20vision_220208.pdf |
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM V)
Proceedings of an International Symposium held in Seville, 19-22 March 2007
IAEA, 2008, 534 p.
Proceedings Series
Although all minerals and raw materials contain radionuclides of natural origin, only certain work activities involving such materials can give rise to significantly enhanced exposures that may need to be controlled by regulation. Material giving rise to these enhanced exposures is known as naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and exposure to such material was the subject of the NORM V symposium held in Seville in March 2007. These proceedings contain all oral presentations and rapporteur reports as well as a summary that concludes with the man findings of the symposium. Text versions of the poster presentations are provided on a CD-ROM.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7864