IAEA Safety Glossary: 2007 Edition
IAEA, 2007, 227 p.
The IAEA Safety Glossary defines and explains technical terms used in IAEA Safety Standards and other safety related IAEA publications, and provides information on their usage. It has been in use since April 2000. The IAEA Safety Glossary, 2007 Edition, is a revised and updated version. The primary purpose of the Safety Glossary is to harmonize terminology and usage in the IAEA Safety Standards. The Safety Glossary is a source of information for users of IAEA Safety Standards and other safety related IAEA publications. The Safety Glossary also
provides guidance primarily for the drafters and reviewers of Safety Standards and other publications, including IAEA technical officers and consultants and members of technical committees, advisory groups, working groups and bodies for the endorsement of Safety Standards.
Guidelines for the Regulatory Control of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Substances in the European Union
European Commission, 2007, 38 p.
The Radiation Protection Basic Safety Standards Directive 96/29/EURATOM strengthens the legal basis for the regulation of the placing on the market of consumer products containing radioactive substances. The Directive requires special regulatory initiatives to ensure that the radiation exposure of the public arising from the use and the disposal of these products is kept as low as reasonably achievable. Furthermore, the Directive |
Inspection of Radiation Sources and Regulatory Enforcement (Supplement to IAEA Safety Standards Series No. GS-G-1.5)
IAEA, April 2007, 138 p.
This Safety Report provides practical guidance on establishing the procedures to facilitate regulatory compliance with the law and regulations relating to the use of radiation sources through inspection and enforcement. It provides examples of processes to be followed, and the use of standard assessment plans for carrying out inspections. It contains examples of inspection procedures and checklists for the use of radiation sources in |
diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, industrial radiography, research and industrial irradiators, gauges containing radioactive sources and well logging sources.
A Review of Consumer Products Containing Radioactive Substances in the European Union
European Commission, 2007, 130 p.
Radioactive substances have been incorporated in a large variety of consumer products for many years. In the course of developing technology the number and the type of consumer products containing radioactive substances has increased considerably. The present study reviews the control exercised by national competent radiation protection authorities with particular emphasis on how the requirements of the new Basic Safety Standards (Directive 96/29 EURATOM) are being applied.
The document provides information on different types of consumer products containing radioactive substances and the particular isotopes and amounts of activities used in individual products. The document indicates developments and trends of the placing on the market, the use and arrangements for final disposal of the products. Available information on estimated individual or collective doses resulting from the manufacture, use and disposal of such products are also presented.
The report is structured in such a way that the relevant information on legislation, type testing and trends and developments is presented for each individual country. The publication of this document was considerably delayed because not all countries have submitted the requested information in due time. It should also be noted that the report refers to candidate countries which by the time of publication are now Member States.
The information provided in this document enabled the Commission to award a consecutive contract aimed at establishing guidelines on the regulatory control of radioactive consumer products (published as Radiation Protection Series No. 147). The Radiation Protection Unit would like to thank all experts for their most valuable contribution to this review.
Nuclear technology is reemerging as a power generation option in the face of concerns about climate change, energy demand growth, and the relative cost of competing technologies. After more than a decade in which no new nuclear power plants were completed in the U.S., nuclear power is now the focus of considerable attention and debate. Nuclear power has long been controversial; consequently, the debate about its reemergence requires a fresh assessment of the facts about the technology, its economics and regulatory oversight, and the risks and benefits of its expansion. In the past year, the |
Keystone Center assembled a group of 27 individuals (see the Endorsement page for a list of Participants) with extensive experience and unique perspectives to develop a joint understanding of the “facts” and for an objective interpretation of the most credible information in areas where uncertainty persists. Participants represent diverse backgrounds and points of view—environmental and consumer advocates, the utility and nuclear power industry, non-governmental organizations, state regulators and former federal regulators, public policy analysts, and academics.
The participants consulted with a number of respected experts and conducted original analyses to answer questions they believe to be most important to an informed debate: Can we develop a reasonable range of expected costs to compare with other alternatives? How quickly can nuclear power be expanded to contribute to reducing worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions? What is the best way to manage nuclear waste? Can existing commercial nuclear facilities, as well as the next generation of nuclear reactors, be expected to operate safely and with adequate security safeguards in place? Should additional institutions or safeguards be put in place to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons derived from commercial fuel cycle activities?
We trust that the research, expertise, and deliberations of this broad range of individuals lend strong credibility to the findings, which are intended to lay the foundation for continued discussions of the role of nuclear power in the U.S. and abroad. We expect, nonetheless, that readers will draw their own conclusions, since many of the findings are best efforts to interpret uncertainties.
Press release
Executive Summary
Risks and Benefits of Nuclear Energy
NEA – Nuclear Energy Agency, 20 June 2007, 84 p.
Price: €24 | $29 | £17 | ¥3300 |
and other energy chains for generating electricity, and provides illustrative examples of quantitative and qualitative indicators for those chains with regard to economic competitiveness, environmental burdens (such as air emissions and solid waste streams) and social aspects (including employment and health impacts). It offers authoritative data and references to published literature on energy chain analysis which can be used in support of decision making.
Priorities in Space Science Enabled by Nuclear Power and Propulsion
The National Academies Press, 2006, 156 p.
In 2002, NASA initiated a program to explore the use of nuclear power and propulsion systems for both human and robotic activities. By 2004, this activity, Project Prometheus, had acquired five tasks: developing a new generation of radioisotope power systems (RPSs); conducting advanced studies of nuclear power and propulsion systems; initiating development of the first Prometheus flight program, the Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter, and its nuclear-electric propulsion (NEP) system; studying nuclear power systems as a means to supply auxiliary power for |
spacecraft in transit (i.e., to operate, for example, life-support and other spacecraft systems) and to supply power for surface activities on the Moon or Mars; and exploring the use of much larger nuclear power systems to support thermal or NEP systems for human exploration activities beyond the Earth-Moon system. Against this backdrop, NASA asked the National Research Council (NRC) to undertake a two-task study. The first task was to identify high-priority space science objectives that could be uniquely enabled or greatly enhanced by the development of advanced spacecraft nuclear power and propulsion systems. The second was to make recommendations for an advanced technology development program for future space science missions employing nuclear power and propulsion capabilities.
http://www.nap.edu/catalog/11432.html#to |
Criteria for Pallation of Bone Metastases — Clinical Applications
IAEA. April 2007, 62 p.
Bone metastases are one of the complications that may arise in 14–70% of cancer patients. Although the management of patients with metastatic bone pain must be a multidisciplinary approach including analgesia, hormone treatment, etc., irradiation for patients with metastatic bone pain is specifically emphasized in this publication. This is a guide for specialists in clinical oncology that should help to improve clinical management of metastatic bone pain patients treated with radiotherapy and radionuclide therapy. |
http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/te_1549_web.pdf |