Canadian National Report for the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management - Fifth Report - Executive summary
Canada´s Nuclear Regulator, October 2014, 10 p.
This fifth Canadian report demonstrates how Canada continues to meet its obligations under the terms of the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (hereinafter referred to as the Joint Convention) during the reporting period from April 2011 to March 2014. A collaboration of government,
industry and the regulatory body, this report focuses specifically on the progress of long-term management initiatives for spent fuel and radioactive waste in Canada, revisions and updates to Canada’s fourth national report, and comments and issues raised at the Fourth Review Meeting, which took place in May 2012.
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http://www.nuclearsafety.gc.ca/pubs_catalogue/uploads/EN_Convention.pdf |
Feasibility of Producing Molybdenum-99 on a Small Scale Using Fission of Low Enriched Uranium or Neutron Activation of Natural Molybdenum
IAEA Technical Reports Series, 2015, 168 p.
This publication documents the work performed within the IAEA coordinated research project (CRP) on developing techniques for small scale indigenous molybdenum-99 production using low enriched uranium (LEU) fission or neutron activation. The CRP enabled participating institutions to gain the knowledge necessary for indigenous molybdenum- |
99 production. The outcome serves to capture the steps participants undertook in examining the feasibility of becoming small scale 99Mo producers. Most participants carried out work related to the entire production process, from target assembly through irradiation, planning for target disassembly in hot cells, chemical processing of targets, quality control practices, and managing waste streams. Some participants focused on one particular area, for example, testing new methods for production of LEU foil for targets and the production of gel generators from 99Mo solution. The publication aggregates all of the work undertaken as part of the CRP in order to present the results as a whole.
Companion CD
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http://www-pub.iaea.org/books/IAEABooks/10599/Feasibility-of-Producing-Molybdenum-99-on-a-Small-Scale-Using-Fission-of-Low-Enriched-Uranium-or-Neutron-Activation-of-Natural-Molybdenu |
Técnica de isótopos estables para determinar la ingesta de leche materna en lactantes amamantados
Colección de Salud Humana del OIEA, 2014, 88 p.
Esta publicación constituye una guía práctica para la determinación de la ingesta de leche materna en lactantes amamantados mediante la técnica de dosis de óxido de deuterio a la madre. Va dirigida a nutricionistas, analistas químicos y profesionales de otros ámbitos de la salud, que a veces carecen de experiencia en el uso de técnicas de isótopos estables. |
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/Pub1429s_web.pdf |
This publication describes a method for the rapid determination of 226Ra and 228Ra in drinking water using liquid scintillation counting following the chemical separation of radium. The method can be used for the fast detection of contamination of drinking water by radium in emergency situations or for routine environmental monitoring purposes. The method is suitable for the analysis of 0.5 L of drinking water containing less than 100 mg kg-1 barium.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/IAEA-AQ-39_web.pdf
A guide to Nuclear Regulation in the UK
Office for Nuclear Regulation - ONR (UK), October 2014, 32 p.
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) independently regulates safety and security at 37 licensed nuclear sites in the UK. These include the existing fleet of operating reactors, fuel cycle facilities, waste management and decommissioning sites and the defence nuclear sector.
In addition, we regulate the design and construction of new nuclear facilities and the transport and safeguarding of nuclear and radioactive materials. We co-operate with international
regulators on safety and security issues of common concern, including associated research.
ONR is not responsible for delivering a safe and secure nuclear industry; this is the responsibility of the nuclear industry itself. Our role, captured in our mission statement, is to provide efficient and effective regulation of the nuclear industry, holding it to account on behalf of the public.
We use a wide range of regulatory tools to influence positively those we regulate, and to encourage the achievement of sustained excellence and continuous improvement in safety and security performance across the nuclear sector.
As ONR acts on behalf of the public, it is vital that we regulate with rigour, diligence and with an appropriate level of assurance that our work is targeted and proportionate to the hazards and risks presented by the industry at the right quality and cost.
This guide describes our regulatory activity and explains how we carry out our work in a clear and straightforward manner. It puts the regulation of the nuclear industry into context showing that despite its hazards, all the activities we regulate can be kept safe and secure.
Extraído de: http://www.onr.org.uk/documents/a-guide-to-nuclear-regulation-in-the-uk.pdf

Nuclear Medicine Physics: A Handbook for Teachers and Students
IAEA Non-serial Publications, 2015, 736 p.
This publication provides the basis for the education of medical physicists initiating their university studies in the field of nuclear medicine. The handbook includes 20 chapters and covers topics relevant to nuclear medicine physics, including basic physics for nuclear medicine, radionuclide production, imaging and non-imaging detectors, quantitative nuclear medicine, internal dosimetry in clinical practice and |
radionuclide therapy. It provides, in the form of a syllabus, a comprehensive overview of the basic medical physics knowledge required for the practice of medical physics in modern nuclear medicine.
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Office for Nuclear Regulation Strategy (UK) – 2015 to 2020
Office for Nuclear Regulation - ONR (UK), 2015, 5 p.
The Energy Act 2013 provided for the creation of ONR as an independent, statutory regulator of nuclear safety and security, and we came into being as a Public Corporation on 1 April 2014. I am pleased to present this first strategy, which provides vision and direction for ONR and nuclear regulation for the next 5 years, and meets our statutory obligations to have our new strategy in place by 1 December 2014. Our duty is to secure stable and sustainable nuclear regulation, building on the foundations that we put in place for this in preparing for our incorporation.
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Safeguards Implementation Practices Guide on Facilitating IAEA Verification Activities
IAEA Services Series, 2014, 112 p.
The purpose of Safeguards Implementation Practices (SIP) Guides is to share information about effective safeguards implementation practices for the benefit of all States, particularly with the aim of enhancing their capacity and capabilities in the area of safeguards implementation. States with Small Quantities Protocols are advised to refer to the Safeguards Implementation Guide for States with Small . |
Quantities Protocols (IAEA Services Series 22) found on the IAEA Resources and Assistance for States webpage
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/Publications/PDF/SVS-30_web.pdf

UK Office for Nuclear Regulation National Action Plan - December 2014
Office for Nuclear Regulation - ONR (UK), 31st December 2014, 78 p.
ONR has provided an update to the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) on the implementation of the UK’s response to events at Fukushima Daichi. The report shows that progress has been made by UK power generation licensees in their response to events that occurred at Fukushima Daichi power plant following the March 2011
earthquake and tsunami. The report follows on from the original statement made in December 2012 and covers power rectors only and not all UK nuclear sites.
Extraído de: http://www.onr.org.uk/