
Decommissioning of Research Reactors and Other Small Facilities by Making Optimal Use of Available Resources
IAEA Technical Reports Series, 2008, 74 p.
There are large numbers of research reactors and many more small facilities utilizing radioactive materials. These facilities were built in many countries and the extent of local nuclear experience varies widely. This publication provides guidance on the safe and efficient decommissioning of research reactors and other small facilities. Its specific objectives are to: provide practical and specific guidance to assist in the planning and implementation of the decommissioning of small facilities
where radioactive material has been used; guide the development of a decommissioning strategy making optimal use of available resources; encourage a timely, well planned approach to decommissioning; evaluate decommissioning experiences and refocus these towards a pragmatic, 'fit-for-purpose' approach meeting the needs of countries and institutions with limited local resources for small decommissioning projects.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7813
Update of the referral guidelines for imaging
European Commission, 2007, 23 p.
The European Commission has issued a booklet with referral guidelines for imaging (Radiation Protection 118) for use by health professionals referring patients for medical imaging. The booklet proved to be of great value in ensuring that radiological imaging prescriptions are justified, in application of Articles 3.1 and 6.2 of Council Directive 97/43/EURATOM on "health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiation in relation to medical exposure".
This document was published in 2000; however, there is a need
for a regular update of such guidance, in the light of rapid technical developments.
Such an update was prepared in 2003 under contract no. SUBV. 99/134996 (concluded at the time with DG Environment but now under the responsibility of DG Energy and Transport). While many experts in Europe were involved in this project, which should provide assurance on the quality of the updated guidance, circumstances prevented the prompt finalisation of this document's publication.
This is why the document is only now being posted on our website, at a time when a new update is already being prepared. It is available in English only, whereas Radiation Protection 118 was published in booklet form in 11 languages.
Pending the publication of a new update of publication 118 we hope that many users will nevertheless benefit from this intermediate version.
Extraído de: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/nuclear/radioprotection/
Radiation Protection 118: Referral guidelines for imaging
Clinical Problems & Appendix
Attitudes towards radioactive waste
Eurobarometer (European Community), June 2008, 141 p.
In order to examine European citizens’ attitudes towards nuclear energy and radioactive waste in particular, the Directorate-General for Energy and Transport launched this Eurobarometer survey. It was carried out by TNS Opinion & Social network between 18 February and 22 March 2008. The interviews were conducted among 26.746 EU citizens in the 27 Member States of the European Union. The methodology used is that of Eurobarometer surveys as carried out by the Directorate General for Communication (“Research and Political Analysis” Unit)4. A
technical note on the manner in which interviews were conducted by the Institutes within the TNS Opinion & Social network is appended as an annex to this report. This note indicates the interview methods and the confidence intervals.
Extraído de: http://www.foratom.org/dmdocuments/ebs_297_en.pdf
Extraído de: http://www.crcpd.org/Pubs/Proceedings/Proceedings-2008NationalConferenceOnlineVersion.pdf
Lessons learned from the shutdown of the Chalk River reactor
Health Canada, May 2008, 23 p.
On 9 December 2007 the federal Minister of Health, the Honourable Tony Clement, called together an ad hoc group of health experts to advise his ministry of the health care consequences of the shutdown of the National Research Universal (NRU) nuclear reactor at Chalk River and the resulting global shortage of the medical isotope, molybdenum-99. Following the resumption of production of medical isotopes, the same ad hoc group was asked to provide a post-event analysis. The ad hoc group would like to commend the minister and his
staff for the continuing support they have given and welcomes the minister’s initiative to review the events that took place, identify the lessons learned and consider initiatives to minimize the potential for future disruption of medical imaging services.
Our conclusions and recommendations can be summarized as follows: 1. Ensure efficient and effective communication with the medical community and the public; 2. In decision-making, ensure a balance between the health and safety of the public and the health outcomes of individual patients; 3. Assure appropriate physician participation and input into the decision-making process; 4. Minimize the potential for future interruptions in the supply of medically necessary materials and equipment; 5. Mitigate the consequences of unpredicted disruptions;
6. Enhance the capability of suppliers and end users to respond to interruptions in supply; 7. Establish a clear and appropriate alignment of authority and accountability for the management of medical radioisotopes.
Extraído de: http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hcs-sss/alt_formats/hpb-dgps/pdf/pubs/2008-med-isotope/2008-med-isotope-eng.pdf
Protección Radiológica
Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (ES), 2008, 20 p.
Hoy en día todos nosotros hemos oído hablar sobre la radiación, pero ¿qué hacemos para conocer qué es la radiación y cómo protegernos de ella? Este folleto pretende contestar algunas de las posibles preguntas con un lenguaje sencillo.
Extraído de:
http://www.csn.es/publicaciones/proteccionradiologica2008.pdf |
The Management System for Technical Services in Radiation Safety
IAEA Safety Standards Series, 2008, 51 p.
Implementing a management system into a service provider organization is an important task to promote the quality of the service. Many Member States currently require management systems in their procedure of service authorization. This publication will be of use to consulting or measurement organizations when creating and implementing management systems that will help them to obtain authorization for their activities. The publication describes clearly the different
requirements for consulting organizations that do not perform measurements and for organizations that do perform measurements. The difference between third party assessment requirements (often also used in Member States to speed up the authorization process) for certification and accreditation is explained in detail. The descriptive text is supplemented with informative examples covering tasks within the management system.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7872
Generation IV International Forum Annual Report 2007
GIF - Generation IV International Forum , s. d., 66 p.
The Generation IV International Forum (GIF) is a cooperative international endeavor to develop advanced nuclear energy systems responding better to the social, environmental and economic requirements of the 21st century. Generation IV systems under development by GIF promise to enhance the future contribution and benefits of nuclear energy. These systems employ advanced technologies and designs to improve the performance of reactors and fuel cycles as compared with current nuclear systems. Additionally, Generation IV systems
target new applications of nuclear energy such as process heat supply, water desalination and hydrogen production.
This annual report is the first to be issued by GIF. It summarizes the GIF goals and accomplishments throughout 2007, describes it membership and organization, and provides an overview of its cooperation with others international endeavors for the development of nuclear energy. Future editions will focus on technical progress.
Extraído de: http://www.gen-4.org/PDFs/annual_report2007.pdf