
Restarting Delayed Nuclear Power Plant Projects
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series, 2008, 141 p.
The restarting of nuclear power plant projects with delays of several years in respect of the original scheduled commercial operation date presents particular management issues. These are beyond the normal management tasks for projects implemented within original planned schedules. Some practical experience from restarted delayed projects were reviewed and included in the present publication, which addresses specific management issues to be considered for a delayed project in the period after the decision for restarting is adopted. The
publication covers those management issues not considered within the normal processes described in other IAEA publications. The practical experience collected from delayed projects that were successfully restarted, completed and brought to commercial operation can provide useful assistance to the management of similar projects considering resumption of work. Intended users are senior managers and engineers of nuclear utilities, and suppliers of equipment, services and technical support for construction and commissioning.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7904
Best Practices in Identifying, Reporting and Screening Operating Experience at Nuclear Power Plants
IAEA TECDOC Series, 2008, 75 p.
Establishment of an effective identification, reporting and screening process ensures that operating experience is treated according to its significance and major events and latent weaknesses are identified and reported. This publication provides recommendations and good practices from the industry for the successful establishment of an effective process to identify, report and screen operating experience directed to collect lessons learned and to prevent the recurrence of events. |
The use of the guidance provided by this publication will be helpful to nuclear installations, and related institutions including contractors and support organizations to strengthen and enhance their own feedback process through the implementation of best practices in identifying, reporting and screening operating experience at nuclear power plants. This publication develops some of the principles set forth in the PROSPER guidelines issued by the IAEA in 2003 to provide advice and assistance to nuclear installations to strengthen and enhance their own operating experience programmes.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7737
Nuclear Power Feasibility
WFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organizations, March 2008, 60 p.
Nuclear power is a proven technology and has the potential to generate virtually limitless energy with no significant greenhouse gas emissions. Nuclear power can become one of the main options to contribute to substantial cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions. Modern development of nuclear power technology and the established framework of international agreements and conventions are responding to the major political, economic and environmental issues -high |
capital costs, the risks posed by nuclear waste and accidents, and the proliferation of nuclear weaponry- that until recently hindered the expansion of nuclear power. In response to such prospects, the WFEO Energy Standing Committee set up a Task Group to develop this Report on NUCLEAR POWER FEASIBILITY - 2008. This Report gathers information on the state-of-the-art of nuclear energy technology and its current technical and economic feasibility based on engineering criteria and technological maturity.
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority has today published an approved 3 year Business Plan which includes detailed funding levels for our 19 sites for the financial year 2008/2009.
This means that via our Site Licence Companies it is planned to spend a total of £2,594.0 million on our site programme over the next twelve months. This compares to an equivalent spend of £2,472.0 million over the last year. Our total budget for the next three years is £8.6 billion – representing an increase of £671 million compared with the NDA’s first three years and it is the largest amount of expenditure on the UK civil nuclear clean-up programme. |
The Business Plan reflects our approved Strategy published in April 2006 and the additional responsibilities we have taken on since then for implementing Government policy on the long-term management of low level and higher activity wastes. It sets out our key objectives and plans for delivering our priorities over the next three years.
Our principal objectives for 2008-2011 are to: Encourage the highest standards in health, safety, security and environmental performance; Deliver hazard and risk reduction; Progress decommissioning and clean-up; Maximise commercial value from our existing assets and operations Ensure safe management of radioactive waste and materials; Determine the scope of the liabilities.
Our secondary objectives are to: Provide socio-economic support and development; Deliver skills, research and development and supply chain development; To enable us to deliver our objectives effectively, we will also: Compete the management of our sites; Control costs and drive efficiency; Progress against these objectives will be reported in our Annual Report and Accounts.
This year's funding allocation reflects the agreed Comprehensive Spending Review settlement for 2008-11, the approved NDA Business Plan for the same period and our Strategy commitment to prioritise funding for higher hazard activities.
The funding limits have been communicated to each Site Licence Company management team for the sites under their control and set a clear target against which the SLCs can deliver an agreed programme of work with safety, security and environmental protection as the highest priority. As in previous years we will be incentivising our SLCs to deliver savings. These will be utilised to meet emergent issues and allocated to sites based on priority and affordability. This process of portfolio management has proved itself and will help maximise the overall effectiveness of our funds and secure value for money for the taxpayer.
Extraído de: http://www.nda.gov.uk/news/approved-business-plan.cfm
Field Estimation of Soil Water Content: A Practical Guide to Methods, Instrumentation and Sensor Technology
IAEA, Training Course, 14 April 2008,
During a period of five years, an international group of soil water instrumentation experts were contracted by the International Atomic Energy Agency to carry out a range of comparative assessments of soil water sensing methods under laboratory and field conditions. The detailed results of those studies are published elsewhere. Most of the devices examined worked well some of the time, but most also performed poorly in some circumstances. The group was also aware that the choice of a
water measurement technology is often made for economic, convenience and other reasons, and that there was a need to be able to obtain the best results from any device used. The choice of a technology is sometimes not made by the
ultimate user, or even if it is, the main constraint may be financial rather than technical. Thus, this guide is presented in a way that allows the user to obtain the best performance from any instrument, while also providing guidance as to which instruments perform best under given circumstances.
Extraído de: http://www.nea.fr/html/pub/ret.cgi?id=new#6377 |
Off-site nuclear emergency management and restoration of contaminated environments
European Commission, 2007, 88 p.
Within Euratom’s Fifth Framework Programme (FP5), a number of projects were clustered in order to provide a more effective response to the objectives in the area of off-site nuclear emergency management and site restoration. The SAMEN and MOSES thematic clusters described in this brochure were selected by an independent panel of the European Commission and distinguished with the award of being one of the success stories of FP5.
Extraído de: http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/pdf/off-site_nuclear_emergency_mangement_en.pdf
Occupational Exposures at Nuclear Power Plants (2006)
Sixteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme, 2006
Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), 14 February 2008, 120 p.
The Information System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) was created by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in 1992 to promote and co-ordinate international co-operative undertakings in the area of worker protection at nuclear power plants. ISOE provides experts in occupational radiological protection with a forum for communication and exchange of experience. A total of 71 utilities in 29 countries participate in the programme as well as the regulatory authorities of 25 countries. The ISOE databases enable the analysis of occupational exposure data from 401
operating commercial nuclear power plants (representing about 91% of the world's total operating commercial reactors), as well as 80 units undergoing decommissioning.
The Sixteenth Annual Report of the ISOE Programme summarises achievements made during 2006 and compares annual occupational exposure data. Principal developments in ISOE participating countries are also described.
Extraído de: http://www.nea.fr/html/pub/ret.cgi?id=new#6318
Disposal Aspects of Low and Intermediate Level Decommissioning Waste
IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1572, December 2007, 42 p.
A number of IAEA Member States plan and initiate decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Therefore, the IAEA organized a Coordinated Research Project (CRP) aimed at sharing national approaches in managing radioactive waste arising after termination of the operation of these facilities. Based on data about waste types and inventories, the project objectives were to provide examples of national approaches when outlining appropriate strategies for decommissioning waste disposal, to assess the performance of the typical waste
streams relevant to these activities, and to indicate specific aspects of the disposal of waste derived from the decommissioning. The publication contains a generic overview of the problem of decommissioning waste disposal and 14 national summaries of results achieved within the CRP.
IAEA-TECDOC-1572, 2007, ISBN 978-92-0-109107-9, English. 15.00 Euro Full Text, (File Size: 637 KB
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7778 |
Nuclear Consultation: Public Trust in Government
Nuclear Consultation Working Group, 2008, 88 p.
The purpose of the Nuclear Consultation Working Group Report is to provide clear information on the issues and challenges that were not transparently presented to the public during that consultation. The Working Group comprise many of the leading experts in the fields of environmental risk, radiation waste, energy policy, energy economics, political science, social science, environmental justice, and democratic involvement. It is telling that such a group speaks with one collective voice at this critical moment. At the end of the day, the authors of this report |
hope to open up what has been a closely constrained energy debate. Although this limited consultation may have concluded, we present evidence to suggest that this issue is still open, and will remain so.
Extraído de: http://www.nuclearconsult.com/index.html |