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Coordinación y edición - CNEN/CIN (Brasil) con la colaboración de los países de la RRIAN - Colaborador especial - Máximo Rudelli (Argentina)

Año 1 - Nº 11 - Junio 2007
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The future of nuclear power: the role of nuclear power in a low carbon UK economy
UK-DTI – Department of Trade and Industry, May 2007, 207p.

Energy is essential to almost every aspect of our lives and the success of our economy. The Government’s Energy White Paper highlights the challenges we face in addressing climate change and ensuring security of energy supplies. The White Paper sets out the Government’s new international and domestic energy strategy to address 

these long-term energy challenges and deliver our goals. This is a consultation about nuclear power generation. Its purpose is to provide the Government with information which will help it to take the decision whether or not to allow energy companies to build new nuclear power stations in this country. The Government wants to be able to make a decision on new nuclear power stations this year for three reasons: 1. Over the next two decades, a significant number of the power stations which currently generate our electricity – both nuclear and those that burn fossil fuels like coal and gas – are scheduled to close and need to be replaced. 2. Climate change, which is linked to man-made emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel based energy sources, is accelerating. 3. Domestic supplies of fossil fuels, notably oil and gas from the North Sea, are running down and the UK is becoming increasingly dependent on imported fossil fuels.


Arrangements for Preparedness for a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency 
IAEA, 2007, 145 p.

Under the Convention on Assistance in the Case of a Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency, one function of the IAEA is to collect and disseminate to States Parties and Member States information concerning methodologies, techniques and available results of research relating to response to such emergencies. The primary objectives of the Safety Guide are to provide guidance on preparedness

and response for a nuclear or radiological emergency, to describe appropriate responses to a range of emergencies, and to provide background information on past experience, thus helping the user to better implement arrangements that address the underlying issues. 


Specification and Acceptance Testing of Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Systems 
IAEA, 31 May 2007, 68 p.

This publication serves as a protocol to be used by both manufacturers and users for the specification and acceptance testing of radiotherapy treatment planning systems (RTPSs). Recommendations are provided in this report for specific tests to be performed at the manufacturing facility and acceptance tests to be performed at the radiotherapy hospital. The protocol uses the IEC 62083 standard as its basis for defining the specifications 

acceptance tests. The analysis of algorithm site testing does not only test for consistency with the factory type tests but will also help the user at the hospital to understand how well the algorithm works and what kind of results should be expected.


NEA Annual Report 2006
NEA,May 2007, 52 p.  

The NEA programme of work covers a very full range of topics, with nuclear safety and regulation as the top priority in the Agency’s 2005-2009 Strategic Plan. In addition, 15 international joint projects (see page 28 for details) are conducted under NEA auspices on nuclear safety matters. In a longer-term perspective, the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) continues to pursue its activities with far-reaching goals in mind, while also paying close attention to non-proliferation issues.

An important new development in 2006 was when the NEA was requested to provide the Technical Secretariat functions of Stage 2 of the Multinational Design Evaluation Programme (MDEP). The MDEP was set up to share the resources and knowledge accumulated by national nuclear regulatory authorities during their assessment of new reactor designs, with the aim of improving both the efficiency and the effectiveness of the process. The main objective of Stage 2 is to identify common regulatory practices and regulations that enhance the safety of new nuclear reactor designs. Ultimately this is expected to lead to a convergence of codes, standards and safety goals in the participating countries. Such convergence would help streamline many of the steps involved in bringing new plants online in the context of competitive markets worldwide, while at the same time maintaining the highest levels of safety.


Categorizing Operational Radioactive Wastes
IAEA, 2007, 36 p.

The primary objective of this publication is to improve communication among waste management professionals and Member States relative to the properties and status of radioactive waste. This is accomplished by providing a standardized approach to operational waste categorization using accepted industry practices and experience.



Strategy and Methodology for Radioactive Waste Characterization
IAEA, 2007,  178 p.  

Over the past decade significant progress has been achieved in the development of waste characterization and control procedures and equipment as a direct response to ever-increasing requirements for quality and reliability of information on waste characteristics. Failure in control procedures at any step can have important, adverse consequences and may result in producing waste packages

which are not compliant with the waste acceptance criteria for disposal, thereby adversely impacting the repository. The information and guidance included in this publication corresponds to recent achievements and reflects the optimum approaches, thereby reducing the potential for error and enhancing the quality of the end product.  


Nuclear Power Plant Design Characteristics: Structure of Nuclear Power Plant Design Characteristics in the IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS)
IAEA, 2007, 40 p.

The Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) is a comprehensive data source on nuclear power reactors in the world. It includes specification and performance history data of operating reactors as well as of reactors under construction or being decommissioned. The nuclear power plant design characteristics represent a fundamental part of 

the PRIS database. They provide important information on the main systems and components and can provide a comprehensive picture of unit design, technology and system configuration. The characteristics can also be used as basic criteria to group reactors with similar or identical design features for operational performance analysis. The aim of this publication is to provide guidelines for PRIS data providers and to detail information about PRIS design characteristics for those using PRIS data for performance analysis, benchmarking or just as a reliable source of technical information related to nuclear power plants.
