Towards a low carbon future – A European Strategic Energy Technology Plan.
European Commission, Nov 2007.
On 22 November, the European Commission published the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan). The plan aims at increasing the use of low-carbon technologies to meet the targets set up during the latest Spring Council in March of 20% CO2 emission reduction and 20% renewable increase by 2020. The “clean” technologies include not only renewables, but also sustainable nuclear fission and carbon capture and sequestration (CCS). The document recognizes officially that
nuclear power is a key part of EU energy policy and contributes along with other low-CO2 energy sources to forging EU’s low-carbon economy.
Extraído de: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/res/setplan/communication_2007_en.htm
Scientific Issues and Emerging Challenges for Radiological Protection. Report of the Expert Group on the Implications of Radiological Protection Science. Nuclear Energy Agency, 21 Nov 2007, 120 pages.
This report summarises the results of this latest CRPPH assessment of radiological protection science. Specifically, it explains that knowledge of non-targeted and delayed effects, as well as of individual sensitivity, have been significantly refined over the past ten years. Although at this point there is still no scientific certainty in these areas, based on the most recent studies and results, the report strongly suggests that policy |
The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform- A vision report
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2007. EUR-22842. 37 p.
This report, endorsed by a large number of stakeholders - technology suppliers, utilities, research organisations, technical safety organisations - accompanies the launch of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP). It proposes a vision for nuclear fission energy up to the middle of the century, as part of Europe's future low-carbon energy mix. The report outlines the current situation of nuclear energy, which |
provides a third of Europe's electricity with nearly no greenhouse-gas emissions. It presents a short- and medium-term view, the renaissance of nuclear power with generation-III reactors. It also presents a long-term view on how to overcome the barriers for the development of a sustainable nuclear fission technology with generation-IV reactors.
Extraído de: http: //www8.nationalacademies.org/onpinews/newsitem.aspx?RecordID=11998
Energía 2007.
Foro de la Industria Nuclear Española, 2007. 290 p.
FORO DE LA INDUSTRIA NUCLEAR ESPAÑOLA tiene el gusto de presentar un año más el prontuario ENERGÍA 2007, que recopila datos estadísticos actualizados e información de interés del sector energético a nivel mundial. Para abarcar todos los campos del contexto energético actual, el libro está dividido por capítulos en energía primaria, electricidad, nuclear, petróleo, gas, carbón, energías renovables, residuos radiactivos y Protocolo de Kioto.
Extraído de: http://www.foronuclear.org/
Active Personal Dosimeters (APDs) are widely used in many countries to provide on the spot dose information to the exposed person. Their use as legal dosimeters is already established in a few countries. In the majority of countries, APDs have not undergone accreditation programmes or intercomparisons. The IAEA, in cooperation with EURADOS, organized an intercomparison using test criteria from two international standards (IEC61526 and IEC61283). Additionally, simulated |
workplace fields were used for testing the APD reactions to pulsed X ray fields and mixed gamma/X ray fields. This is the first time that results of such a type of comparison are published, which is of great importance for APD end users in medical diagnostic and surgery X ray applications. This report may be used by Member States as a source of information on new instruments which could be used in the near future as legal dosimeters combining the advantages of small size and instant readout of dose rate and dose with computerized dose keeping.
Extraído de:http://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7722
Update of X Ray and Gamma Ray Decay Data Standards for Detector Calibration and Other Applications (Volumes 1 and 2)
Various groups around the world are engaged in the compilation and evaluation of decay data for all known and specific radionuclides. Many evaluators operate independently and recommend slightly different values for the same parameter. Even small deviations in the recommended data can have a significant impact on definition of the decay characteristics of radionuclides used as standards in detector efficiency calibrations and subsequent applications. High quality decay data are essential for the efficiency calibration of X and gamma ray detectors that are used to quantify the radionuclidic content of
a sample by determining the intensities of any resulting X and gamma rays. A major objective of the IAEA nuclear data programme is to promote improvements in the quality of nuclear data used in science and technology. This report presents the results of a coordinated research project on X ray and gamma ray decay data standards for detector calibration and other applications. Recommended half-lives and X and gamma ray emission probabilities are listed in the first part of this report for a carefully selected set of radionuclides and nuclear reactions that are suitable for detector efficiency calibration and other applications. The evaluation procedures used to obtain the recommended values and their uncertainties are detailed in the second part, along with comments on the remaining discrepancies. An appropriate set of suitable X and gamma ray standards have been derived with the expectation that the recommended values will be recognized as international reference standards.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/mtcd/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7551
Generic Safety Issues for Nuclear Power Plants with Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors and Measures for their Resolution
IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1554, June 2007, 295 p.
This report covers generic safety issues (GSIs) thought to be of significance to Member States, based on a consensus process. The GSIs for pressurized heavy water reactors (PHWRs) compiled in this report reflect the broad experience of Member States in resolving safety concerns and in maintaining improvements to current practice. As can be seen from the actions taken in Member States with respect to the appropriate |
technical solutions, most issues have been successfully addressed. Those issues that have been generally resolved by Member States or concluded to be of low safety significance have not been included in the compilation. The CANDU Senior Regulators Group, which initiated the development of this report, and whose members were also involved in the drafting, noted that this report will be a valuable resource in identifying areas, especially for enhanced designs of PHWRs, where safety upgrades should be considered.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7739
Canadian Views of Nuclear Energy: Focus on the Environment
The Canadian Nuclear Association, February 2007, 50 p.
The environment as an issue has historically grown in importance on the public’s agenda when economic times are good, and fallen back when economic times are bad. However, Ipsos Reid’s most recent public opinion polling for the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) suggests that this historical trend may be at an end. While most economic indicators point to at least a reasonably strong economy, concern about environmental issues is on the march. An overwhelming 85% of Canadians are concerned about “climate change.” At the same
time, only 56% rate the overall quality of the environment in their province as good or better. And, there is widespread perception that the quality of the environment is getting worse (47% worse, 44% same, 9% better).
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7673