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Año 1 - Nº 5 - Diciembre 2006

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Potential for Sharing Nuclear Power Infrastructure between Countries
IAEA, 2006, 79 p.

The introduction or expansion of a nuclear power programme in a country and its successful execution is largely dependent on the network of national infrastructure, covering a wide range of activities and capabilities. The infrastructure areas include legal framework, safety and environmental regulatory bodies, international agreements,

physical facilities, finance, education, training, human resources and public information and acceptance. The wide extent of infrastructure needs require an investment that can be too large or onerous for the national economy.

The burden of infrastructure can be reduced significantly if a country forms a sharing partnership with other countries. The sharing can be at regional or at multinational level. It can include physical facilities, common programmes and knowledge, which will reflect in economic benefits. The sharing can also contribute in a significant manner to harmonization of codes and standards in general and regulatory framework in particular. The opportunities and potential of sharing nuclear power infrastructure is determined by the objectives, strategy and scenario of the national nuclear power programme.

The contribution of nuclear energy to a sustainable energy system
Netherlands Energy Research Foundation, Mar 2006, 13 p.

This report provides an overview of the main results from scenarios in the CASCADE MINTS project to assess the role of nuclear energy in solving global and European energy and environmental issues. Two contrasting scenarios have been analysed, comparing the impacts of a phase-out of nuclear 

capacities to a situation where  conventional nuclear power plants achieve a 25% investment cost reduction, both under a rather strong climate policy.

Knowledge Management for Nuclear Industry Operating Organizations 
IAEA, 2006, 185 p.

Managing knowledge in the nuclear industry will be one of the most critical challenges in the near future. The purpose of this publication is to identify the fundamental elements needed for an effective knowledge management (KM) system, to share with nuclear industry operating organization managers lessons learned regarding KM, as well as providing guidance concerning methods for KM 

implementation. Intended as an introduction to KM approaches and practices, this document also provides guidance on improving KM practices in nuclear industry operating organizations. Senior and middle level managers of nuclear industry operating organizations will find the book provides a wealth of practical information and will be a critical resource informing their KM planning, system implementation and improvements.  

Guía de indicaciones para la correcta solicitud de pruebas de diagnóstico por imagen
Comisión Europea, Dirección General de Medio Ambiente, 2000, 141 p.

The newly revised medical exposure directive (97/43/Euratom) lays down the European Commission general principles of radiation protection of individuals in relation to medical exposure. Member States had to transpose it into national legislation C until 13 May 2000. Article 6(2) of the directive requires Member States to ensure that recommendations concerning referral criteria for

medical exposure are available to the prescribers of medical exposure. This booklet sets out referral guidelines that can be used by health professionals qualified to refer patients for imaging, in order to ensure that all examinations are well justified and optimised.

Referral guidelines This booklet has evolved from that previously published by the UK Royal College of Radiologists in 1998 and is for imaging entitled: Making the best use of a department of clinical radiology: guidelines for doctors. These referral guidelines have been adapted by experts representing European radiology and nuclear medicine, in conjunction with the UK Royal College of Radiologists, and may now be adopted as models for the Member States.

These referral guidelines are not binding on Member States, and form part of a number of technical guides drawn up to facilitate implementation of the medical exposure directive. Local variations may be required according to healthcare practice and provision.

Continued use of recommendations of this kind should improve clinical practice and lead to a reduction in the number of referrals for investigation and consequently to a reduction in associated medical radiation exposure. 

Control de Calidad en Mamografía 
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  1517
IAEA-TECDOC-1517, 2006, ISBN 92-0-310306-6, Spanish. 15.00 Euro  Full Text, (File Size: 1939 KB). Subject Classification: 0103 - Medical physics (including dosimetry).
Responsible Officer: Mr. Pedro Ortiz Lopez, NSRW

El presente protocolo de control de calidad en mamografía es el resultado del trabajo de dos proyectos regionales realizados en América Latina

dentro del marco de ARCAL con el apoyo del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. En el proyecto ARCAL LV (RLA/6/043) sobre el Aseguramiento de la Calidad en Mamografía, se analizó la situación actual de la mamografía en los países integrantes del proyecto: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, y como uno de los productos, se elaboró un protocolo de control de calidad.


Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change
HM Treasury. 30October 2006, 575 p.

There is still time to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, if we take strong action now. The scientific evidence is now overwhelming: climate change is a serious global threat, and it demands an urgent global response. This Review has assessed a wide range of evidence on the impacts of climate change and on the economic costs, and has used a number of different techniques to assess costs

and risks. From all of these perspectives, the evidence gathered by the Review leads to a simple conclusion: the benefits of strong and early action far outweigh the economic costs of not acting. Climate change will affect the basic elements of life for people around the world – access to water, food production, health, and the environment. Hundreds of millions of people could suffer hunger, water shortages and coastal flooding as the world warms.


A Progressive Energy Platform
The Progressive Policy Institute, 16 October 2006, 12 p.

America faces a dangerous, long-term energy crisis. The country's addiction to carbon-based fuels -- especially imported oil -- poses a triple threat to its national security, economic vitality, and environmental health. Yet the Bush administration and the Republican Congress have been shirking their responsibility to spur change. Instead, they cling defiantly to the status quo.

It is time for progressives to fill the leadership void by offering a realistic plan that begins in the here and now and leads quickly to a clean energy future. In a new policy report entitled, A Progressive Energy Platform, the Progressive Policy Institute offer a new plan to address America's two distinct energy needs: fuel for transportation and power to generate electricity.

Development of Specifications for Radioactive Waste Packages 
IAEA, October 2006,  62 p.

The main objective of this publication is to provide guidelines for the development of waste package specifications that comply with waste acceptance requirements for storage and disposal of radioactive waste. It will assist waste generators and waste package producers in selecting the most significant parameters and in developing and implementing specifications for each individual type of waste and waste 

package. This publication also identifies and reviews the activities and technical provisions that are necessary to meet safety requirements; in particular, selection of the significant safety parameters and preparation of specifications for waste forms, waste containers and waste packages using proven approaches, methods and technologies. This report provides guidance using a systematic, step-wise approach, integrating the technical, organizational and administrative factors that need to be considered at each step of planning and implementing waste package design, fabrication, approval, quality assurance, and control. The report reflects the considerable experience and knowledge that has been accumulated in the Member States and is consistent with the current international requirements, principles, standards and guidance for the safe management of radioactive waste.