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Año 1 - Nº 1 - Agosto  2006


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The International Basic Safety Standards for Protection against Ionizing Radiation and for the Safety of Radiation Sources (BSS), jointly sponsored, inter alia, by the IAEA, ILO, WHO and PAHO, establish requirements on the legal persons responsible for designing, running and decommissioning practices involving ionizing radiation. These requirements are basic and general in nature. This 

report is intended to be of assistance to both regulators and users of radiation sources in radiotherapy in applying the BSS to this practice. Regulators will find it useful for reviewing applications for authorization and for the inspection of the practice. Users of radiation in radiotherapy may follow the guidance provided in order to comply with BSS requirements or equivalent national requirements. Experts recruited on IAEA missions to advise on the implementation of the BSS for the practice of radiotherapy are expected to use the guidance given in this report rather than their own national regulations and guidance.

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Nuclear Medicine Resources Manual
IAEA, 2006, 529 p

This resources manual provides comprehensive guidance at an international level in many aspects of nuclear medicine practice, including education, training, facilities and equipment, quality systems, and radiopharmacy and clinical practice. The manual has been written with routine clinical practice in mind and therefore provides advice on many practical points that should help both new and also more developed nuclear medicine centres. The new centres will find specific information essential for setting up the provision 

of the service, and the more developed centres will find numerous updated protocols and suggestions on improving operational performance. The manual will be of interest to nuclear medicine physicians, radiologists, medical educationalists, diagnostic centre managers, medical physicists, medical technologists, radiopharmacists, specialist nurses, clinical scientists, laboratory scientists, and those engaged in high quality systems in public health.

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Reglamento para el transporte seguro de materiales radiactivos
IAEA, 2005, 161 p.

The purpose of these regulations is to establish standards of safety that provide an acceptable level of control of the radiation hazards to persons, property and the environment that are associated with the transport of radioactive material. These regulations apply to the transport of radioactive 
material by all modes of transport, including transport that

is incidental to the use of the radioactive material. Transport is deemed to comprise all operations and conditions associated with and involved in the movement of radioactive material; these include the design, fabrication and maintenance of packaging, and the preparation, consigning, handling, carriage, storage in transit and receipt at the final destination of packages. Transport includes normal and accident conditions encountered in carriage and in storage during transit.

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Nuclear Energy: Powering America’s Future
NEI, s. f., 8 p.

This publication explains why new nuclear plants need be built to meet future energy demand in the United States. It covers nuclear energy’s essential role in keeping our air clean, its superior performance and safety record, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s new licensing 
procedures, recent business alliances to test the combined operating and construction licensing process, 

and the importance of investing now in new baseload electricity generation.

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Nuclear Power Reactors in the World 
April 2006, 81 p.

This is the twenty-sixth edition of Reference Data Series No. 2, which presents the most recent reactor data available to the IAEA. It contains summarized information as of the end of 2005 on: (1) power reactors operating or under construction, and shut down; and (2) performance data on reactors operating in the IAEA Member States, as reported to the IAEA. The information is collected by the IAEA through designated national correspondents in the Member States. The replies are used to maintain the IAEA’s Power Reactor Information System (PRIS).

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Optimización de la protección radiológica en el control de la exposición ocupacional
IAEA, 2004, 76 p.

This Safety Report provides practical information on the application of the principle of the optimization of radiation protection in the workplace. It emphasizes the importance of integrating radiation protection into the work management system and of the involvement of management and workers alike in setting up and implementing a radiation protection system.

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Preliminary Observations on Its Process to Oversee the Safe Operation of Nuclear Power Plants Nuclear Regulatory Commission,  June 19, 2006, 23 p.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has the responsibility to provide oversight to ensure that the nation's 103 commercial nuclear power plants are operated safely. While the safety of these plants has always been important, since radioactive release could harm the public and the 
environment, NRC's oversight has become even more critical as the Congress and the nation consider

the potential resurgence of nuclear power in helping to meet the nation's growing energy needs. Prior to 2000, NRC was criticized for having a safety oversight process that was not always focused on the most important safety issues and in some cases, was overly subjective. To address these and other concerns, NRC implemented a new oversight process--the Reactor Oversight Process (ROP). NRC continues to modify the ROP to incorporate feedback from stakeholders and in response to other external events. This testimony summarizes information on (1) how NRC oversees nuclear power plants, (2) the results of the ROP over the past several years, and (3) the aspects of the ROP that need improvement and the status of NRC's efforts to improve them. This testimony discusses preliminary results of GAO's work. GAO will report in full at a later date. GAO analyzed program-wide information, inspection results covering 5 years of ROP operations, and detailed findings from a sample of 11 plants.

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Guía de indicaciones para la correcta solicitud de pruebas de diagnóstico por imagen
Comisión Europea, Dirección General de Medio Ambiente, 2000, 41 p.

Estas directrices sobre la remisión de pacientes a los servicios de diagnóstico por la imagen provienen parcialmente del folleto «Making the best use of a Department of Clinical Radiology: Guidelines for Doctors» [«La mejor manera de hacer uso de un servicio de radiología clínica: directrices para los médicos»], publicado en 1998 por el Real Colegio de Radiólogos

del Reino Unido (1).  Diversos grupos de expertos de varios países las han adaptado, y también se han recogido comentarios de sociedades de medicina nuclear de los Estados miembros a través de las asociaciones europeas de radiología y medicina nuclear de los Estados miembros. La Comisión Europea há coordinado este proceso. Las directrices pueden servir a los Estados miembros como modelo, aunque se reconoce que puede ser necesario seguir adaptándolas en función de las diversas prácticas asistenciales y de prestación de servicios. El Real Colegio de Radiólogos preparará la próxima edición de las directrices (presidenta del grupo de trabajo: profesora Gillian Needham, Aberdeen), en colaboración con la Comisión Europea y los distintos organismos especializados de la Comunidad Europea. Estas directrices se basarán más todavía en pruebas, y tendrán en cuenta las prácticas tanto europeas como británicas.

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