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Año 1 - Nº 10 - Mayo 2007

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La sûreté nucléaire et la radioprotection en 
France en 2006

Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire, 3 Avril 2007, s. p.

Pour l’Autorité de sûreté nucléaire (ASN), l’année 2006 a été marquée par la promulgation de deux lois importantes dans le domaine nucléaire dont l’une a entraîné un changement majeur de son statut. L’année a été assez satisfaisante au plan de la sûreté nucléaire et contrastée dans le domaine de la radioprotection.

Dossier de presse


Remediation Process for Areas Affected by Past Activities and Accidents
IAEA, 2007, 39 p.

The objective of this Safety Guide is to provide guidance on implementing the requirements for the remediation of areas contaminated by past activities and accidents. It is intended to be used by regulatory bodies, operators and others responsible for remediating sites and, in the case of an accident, contributing to the recovery process. This publication provides recommendations for protective and 

remedial actions that are intended to reduce existing prolonged exposures due to contamination and to avert potential prolonged exposure or the likelihood of such exposure from related contamination.

Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Regulatory infrastructure and responsibilities; 3. Overview of the remediation process and initial decision making; 4. Planning of remediation; 5. Operational aspects of remediation; 6. Post-remediation management.

Radiation Processing: Environmental Applications
IAEA, 2007, 71 p

This publication provides a summary of information relevant to radiation processing for environmental applications. It reports on current uses of radiation based technologies for flue gas treatment, wastewater purification and treatment of sewage sludge. This report is expected to serve as a basis for the preparation of guidelines for and feasibility studies of further implementation of radiation processing technologies aimed at mitigating environmental degradation, and to play

an important role in promoting these technologies worldwide.

IAEA-RPEA, 71 pp.; 23 figures; 2007, ISBN 92-0-100507-5, English. 16.00 Euro Full Text, (File Size: 2247 KB).
Subject Classification: 0501 - Radiation processing; 1300 - Environment.
Responsible Officer: Mr. Seyed Mohammad Haji-Saeid, NAPC

Glossary of nuclear terms
European Nuclear Society, March 2007, 202 p.

March 2007 edition updated and supplemented


Radioactive Sodium Waste Treatment and Conditioning: Review of Main Aspects
AEA TECDOC Series No.  1534

Radioactive sodium waste in the nuclear industry arises from the operation of liquid metal fast reactors (LMFR). In this type of reactor, sodium (Na) or sodium–potassium alloys (NaK) are used as a low-effect neutron moderating coolant medium for extracting and transferring thermal energy from the core. Sodium radioactive waste is not one of the common waste streams during plant operation,

although it is one of the more important waste streams for plant decommissioning. More importantly, it represents a significant technical and safety challenge during operation and decommissioning. In addition to the challenges related to the management and disposition of sodium waste, the extremely high chemical reactivity of sodium and sodium eutectics must be taken into account during every evolution involving the primary circuit and the sodium waste, including treatment and conditioning for safe storage or disposal. This publication provides the reader with technologically oriented information on the present status of sodium waste management approaches and recent achievements related to treatment and conditioning, with the objective of facilitating planning and preparatory work for the decommissioning of LMFRs.

IAEA-TECDOC-1534, 2007
ISBN 92-0-116006-2, English. 15.00 Euro

Use of Irradiation to Ensure the Hygienic Quality of Fresh, Pre-Cut Fruits and Vegetables and Other Minimally Processed Food of Plant Origin
IAEA TECDOC CD Series No.  1530

This publication includes the results of a Coordinated Research Project covering data on the effects of ionizing radiation as a preservation method in more than 40 different types of produce.s and against more than 12 pathogenic bacteria. Irradiation proved to be an excellent process to

improve the hygienic conditions and safety of fresh, pre-cut fruits and vegetables and other minimally processed food of plant origin. The doses applied for these purposes also extended the shelf-life of most of the produce studied.

IAEA-TECDOC-CD-1530, 2007
ISBN 92-0-102407-X, English, CD-ROM. 15.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 12 March 2007.

Radiation: Facts, fallacies and phobias.
Wigg, D. R. (Clinical Radiobiology Unit, Cancer Services, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia).
Australasian Radiology (2007) 51, 21–25.

here is frequent debate in the media and the scientific published reports about the use of radiation for diagnosis and treatment, the benefits and risks of the nuclear industry, uranium mining and the storage of radioactive wastes. Driving this debate is increasing concern about reliance on fossil fuels for power generation for which

 alternatives are required. Unfortunately, there is generally a poor understanding of the relevant basic sciences compounded by widespread irrational fear of irradiation (radiation phobia). Radioactivity, with special reference

to uranium and plutonium is simply described. How radiation affect tissues and the potential hazards to individuals and populations are explained. The origins of radiation phobia and its harmful consequences are examined. Whether we like it or not, Australia is heavily involved in the uranium industry by virtue of having one-third of the world’s known reserves, exports of which are worth approximately $470m annually. As this paper has been written as simply as possible, it may also be of interest to readers who may have had little scientific training. It may be downloaded from the web using references provided in this article. It is concluded that ignorance and fear are major impediments to rational debate on radiation issues.