Dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology: An International Code of Practice
IAEA Technical Reports Series No. 457, 2007, 359 p.
This publication is intended to support those working in the field of diagnostic radiology dosimetry, both in standards laboratories involved in the calibration of dosimeters and those in clinical centres and hospitals where patient dosimetry and quality assurance measurements are of vital concern. This Code of Practice covers diverse dosimetric situations corresponding to the range of examinations found clinically and includes
guidance on dosimetry for general radiography, fluoroscopy, mammography, computed tomography and dental radiography. The material is presented in a practical way with guidance worksheets and examples of calculations. A set of appendices is also enclosed with background and detailed discussion of important aspects of diagnostic radiology dosimetry.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7638
Fifty Years of Technical Cooperation
IAEA, 2007, 17 p.
The focus of the IAEA's technical cooperation activities has moved from assistance to cooperation over the years. Today, the technical cooperation programme concentrates on six thematic areas, responding to the development priorities of Member States.
The Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform- A vision report
European Commission, Directorate-General for Research, 2007. EUR-22842. 37 p.
This report, endorsed by a large number of stakeholders - technology suppliers, utilities, research organisations, technical safety organisations - accompanies the launch of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNE-TP). It proposes a vision for nuclear fission energy up to the middle of the century, as part of Europe's future low-carbon energy mix. The report outlines the current situation of nuclear energy, which
provides a third of Europe's electricity with nearly no greenhouse-gas emissions. It presents a short- and medium-term view, the renaissance of nuclear power with generation-III reactors. It also presents a long-term view on how to overcome the barriers for the development of a sustainable nuclear fission technology with generation-IV reactors.
Extraído de: http://ec.europa.eu/research/energy/pdf/sne-tp_vision_report_eur22842_en.pdf
Selection of Away-from-Reactor Facilities for Spent Fuel Storage
IAEA TECDOC Series No. 1558, September 2007, 128 p.
With the continuing accumulation of spent fuel at reactor sites, the demand for additional storage of spent fuel at AFR (away from reactor) facilities is growing. It is an issue for most Member States generating nuclear power, including those countries pursuing reprocessing. There are a diversity of technical options and services available which offer competitive, reliable solutions to meet the storage requirements. In particular, dry storage technologies have been widely applied. The selection of the
most appropriate product or service among the range of options available for a project involves the consideration of a number of factors, both technical and non-technical. This publication is intended to provide a review of the key factors associated with selection of an option for AFR facilities for spent fuel storage, together with a discussion of the generic methodology for the decision making, thereby providing guidance on practical approaches to project implementation.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7510
This Safety Guide provides guidance on meeting the requirements for the establishment of radiation protection programmes (RPPs) for the transport of radioactive material, to optimize radiation protection in order to meet the requirements for radiation protection that underlie the Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (the Transport Regulations). This Guide covers general aspects of meeting the requirements for radiation protection, but does not cover criticality safety or
other possible hazardous properties of radioactive material. The annexes of this Guide include examples of RPPs, relevant excerpts from the Transport Regulations, examples of total dose per transport index handled, a checklist for road transport, specific segregation distances and emergency instructions for vehicle operators.
Contents: 1. Introduction; 2. Objectives of radiation protection programmes; 3. Need and scope for an RPP in transport; 4. Basic elements of an RPP as a function of occupational dose; 5. Assignment of the roles and responsibilities for the establishment of a radiation protection programme; 6. Dose assessment and optimization; 7. Surface contamination; 8. Segregation and other protective measures; 9. Emergency response; 10. Training; 11. Management systems for packaging and transport of radioactive material; Annex I: Outline examples of radiation protection programmes; Specific example of RPP for transport of radiopharmaceuticals; Specific example of RPP for an air cargo carrier; Specific example of RPP for an industrial radiography institution.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/ResultsPage.asp#name1
Radiation Protection in Today's World: Towards Sustainability
NEA - Nuclear Energy Agency, May 29th 2007, 74 p.
The science and application of radiological protection have continually evolved since the beginning of the 20th century when the health effects of radiation first began to be discovered. Given these changes, notably over the past 10 to 15 years, and considering the recent evolution of social values and judgements, the NEA Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health (CRPPH) felt that it would be worthwhile to identify possible emerging challenges as well as ongoing challenges that will require new approaches to reach sustainable decisions.
This report concisely describes the CRPPH views of the most significant challenges to radiological protection policy, regulation and application that are likely to emerge or are already emerging. While not proposing solutions to these issues, the report characterises key aspects and pressures, taking into account the evolution of science, society and experience, such that governments can better foresee these challenges and be prepared to address them appropriately.
Extraído de: http://www.nea.fr/html/pub/ret.cgi?div=RP#6165
Lessons Learned from the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities and the Safe Termination of Nuclear Activities
Proceedings of an International Conference, Athens, 11–15 December 2006
IAEA Proceedings Series, 2007, 676 p.
Early planning and effective and safe implementation and completion of decommissioning of facilities using radioactive material is increasingly drawing the attention of regulators, operators, the public and other interested parties around the world. This conference was convened as a follow-up to the International Conference “Safe Decommissioning of Nuclear |
Activities” which took place in Berlin in 2002, and at a time when the IAEA has marked its 50th anniversary. The aim of the conference was to share experience and knowledge and to identify areas of international harmonization in the decommissioning of various facilities (e.g. nuclear power plants, fuel cycle facilities, research reactors, mining and mineral processing facilities, research laboratories). The conference addressed a wide range of topics, namely, the regulation of decommissioning activities, planning for decommissioning, implementation of decommissioning activities, waste management, technology, social and economic impacts and decommissioning of small facilities. Two hundred and ninety-two participants from 50 Member States attended the conference, of which 92 participants were from 32 developing countries. Forty-six papers were presented by invited speakers during the sessions, followed by discussions during seven panel sessions. Sixty-nine posters were presented, together with exhibits from seven organizations. The conference was organized by the IAEA, co-sponsored by the European Commission (EC) and in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD and the World Nuclear Association (WNA). It was hosted by the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7739
Radiation Protection and NORM Residue Management in the Zircon and Zirconia Industries
IAEA Safety Reports Series No. 51, 2007, 148 p.
Zircon has economic importance as a raw material in its own right and also as a feedstock for the manufacture of zirconia (zirconium dioxide), zirconium chemicals and zirconium metal. The geological processes that formed zircon led to the incorporation of radionuclides of natural origin into the crystal structure. The presence of these radionuclides is not significant enough to be of any commercial value, but creates a possible need to control exposures of workers and members of the |
public. The report provides detailed information on all the major industrial applications of zircon and zirconia, the processes involved, the management of NORM residues arising from such processes, the radiological characteristics of the process materials, exposure pathways to workers and members of the public, exposure levels, annual effective doses, and examples of good practice with respect to monitoring techniques and practical measures to reduce doses. For each process or industrial application, the available information is used as the basis for assessing the regulatory implications in terms of the standards for radiation protection and management of radioactive waste.
Extraído de: http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PubDetails.asp?pubId=7673